Thursday 21 November 2013

workshop 3


I recently received an email from Argos which was about Christmas, in order to download the Chistmas home magazine. To be honest I never open such email's, I opened it by random. It really was not personalized, it looked like a website. In order to understand what this email was about I had to see the subline. Before seeing the title I thought that it was about downloading from the Appstore Argos page. The email was really confusing, not straight forward. From the other hand, images where really intresting, the looked really nice and brought to mind that Christmas is coming. Generally, it was really attractive. Companies actually know that in the whole world people celebrate Christmas, people start buying gifts so consumption goes up. Companies promote there products, keep making advertisements (by emails, tv, radios, websites) in order to bring more customers in. Argos also uses this way of promoting,but according to my beliefs this email was not so good( looked like a wesite, too confusing) since a small number of people receiving this email will spend time in order to understand for waht it is about.